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Uniqlo’s denim

Uniqlo’s denim line is proof positive that fashionable, well-made, premium denim jeans can be affordable and accessible. Ranging in price from $19.50 (for kids) to $59.50 (for adults) with the core price line at $39.50, Uniqlo’s denim line features the world’s best Japanese denim combined with cutting-edge fits, styles and washes.

Unlike American mass produced jeans, Uniqlo only uses Ring denim, which has a textured surface and is woven from ring yarn to give the jeans a rugged and natural fade. To give its jeans the richest color possible, Uniqlo’s partner denim producer uses a technique called rope dyeing, which keeps the core of each thread white, while giving the perimeter a beautiful indigo color.  All of the men’s and women’s denim for the spring collection comes from Japan, with nearly all of it sourced from Kaihara, a premium denim producer founded in 1893 and one of the world’s most renowned denim suppliers.

Uniqlo’s design team in Japan developed the spring premium denim line that features a variety of fits, from skinny to wide, and finishes in every shade of blue to black. The result is 9 different models for women, 7 for men and 6 for children. This coming fall Uniqlo will add additional fits and finishes to its premium denim collection including Real Vintage and Selvage denim.
Категория: Мода, мода, мода | Добавил: mdesign (01.09.2007)
Просмотров: 632 | Рейтинг: 5.0 |

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